How to: Shorten your NATO watch strap
What You'll Need
- 2 x 20c coins
- Scissors, box cutter or razor blade
- Something to clamp the coins together - i.e multigrips or vice grips
- A heat source - such as a lighter or stovetop
Shortening your NATO strap - Instructions
- Lay your strap flat on a table and place the coin with the outer edge marking where you would like to shorten the strap
- WIth the coin in place on top, position the second coin underneath the strap
- Make sure the dges of the coin match up perfectly and clamp the two coins together so they don't move
- Trim around the outer edge of the coin, using the edge to ensure a clean circular arch is cut from the band
- Heat seal the end to ensure it doesn't fray by holding the cut edge over the heat source (but not too close!)
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