Timex Marathon and Timex Ironman replacement straps

Are you looking for a replacement watch strap for your Timex Ironman or Timex Marathon watch? You're not the only one!

Recently we have had an increase in customers asking us if our straps will work with those watches.

It appears that the stock Timex Ironman and Marathon bands just aren't up to scratch and are prone to breaking, and unfortunately in most cases you cannot use after market straps with most Timex Ironman and Timex Marathon watches


Use the table below to see if your model supports after-market straps.

T5k196 Search: Show:
Timex Model Compatibility

Compatible - with our 18mm straps

Timex Ironman Transit TW5M18900JT

Compatible - with our 20mm straps

Timex Watch Ironman Triathlon 746

Compatible - with our 20mm straps

Timex T20511

Not compatible - see below.

Timex T20582

Not compatible - see below.

Timex Marathon T5K642

Not compatible - see below.

Timex Marathon TW5K94600

Not compatible - see below.

Timex Marathon T5K654

Not compatible - see below.

Timex Ironman T5K692

Not compatible - see below.

Timex Ironman T5K359

Not compatible - see below.

Showing 1 to 10 of 52 records

But why are so many Timex Marathon and Timex Ironman straps not compatible with after-market straps?

The problem is that most of the Timex Marathon and Timex Ironman watches use straps with 'shoulders' where they connect with the watch face.

Most after-market watches will connect to the smaller section of the watch face - leaving your watch looking like this:


Timex Ironman Timex Marathon NATO strap

If you are OK with this, then I recommend:

  • You remove the existing strap and check if your watch has spring bars which form a single straight line that the strap can thread through -  read mroe about this prcess here
  • If your watch does have spring bars, then you can can measure this part to find the strap size you need.

Is your Timex Marathon or Timex Ironman not on this list?

Leave a comment below and I'll see if your watch is compatible with our interchangeable NATO style watch straps.

Comments (10)

T5k 196

Hi there, Just trying my luck if you have straps for this model please


Watch Straps Australia Response

Hi Jordan, I think you're in luck - from the looks of it that one will work with our 18mm straps. Just to be sure though - can you please try removing the strap fully and re-inserting the spring bars and measuring across the bar distance? Thanks, Brad

Watch band replacement

Hi, Mark here! My mum has a Timex ironman T5K523 Ladies model in black & purple. Mum loves this watch, I have had to glue the band together several times as it's difficult to get a replacement within a reasonable time. Can you help me with a stronger replacement or if not available, I guess a couple of original replacements!


Watch Straps Australia Response

Hi Mark, Unfortunately I'm not able to help you with that one, and it's not possible to get after-market straps for the T5K523 and the only option is to go with the (dodgey) original ones. Sorry! - Brad

Timex 569Y4

Hi, The numbers above are on the back of my watch. Can you supply a band for this watch?


Watch Straps Australia Response

Hi John, Sorry I can't seem to find that model online. Can you please email a photo of the front and back of the watch to me at hello@watchstraps.com.au . Thanks, Brad


Do you have a replacement strap T5K642 for a marathon watch please?


Watch Straps Australia Response

Unfortunately you will need to contact Timex for a replacement strap for the T5K642.

Marathon watch band TW5K94600

Watch band required


Watch Straps Australia Response

Hi Terry,
Unforunately the TW5K94600 requires a specific band from Timex. I recommend you contact the place of purchase or your local Timex official agent for assistance.

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